Call for Proposals: Language and Business Program of AILA 2005

The 14th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA) will hold its conference in Madison, Wisconsin, USA, July 24-29, 2005. The Language and Business Program of the conference will be coordinated by the UW-Madison Center for International Business Education and Research, which is also a co-sponsor of the conference. This gathering of over 2000 faculty from around the world will provide an ideal forum to discuss best practices, new and emerging technologies, research opportunities and issues and professional applications of business language.

Featured papers and symposia of the language and business program will seek to highlight research, case studies, simulations and workshops about curricula, technology and pedagogies relating to integrating business, culture and language. Proposals are encouraged on, but not limited to, the following topics: new course designs, methods of teaching business languages, interdisciplinary programs and the teaching of languages for the professions. A pdf copy of the call for proposals is attached to this message. Proposals for individual papers as well as group symposia are accepted on-line at the AILA 2005 Web site: The proposal deadline is June 1, 2004. Please share this announcement with colleagues who may have interest. Please contact me at or (608) 265-4938 with any questions.


Sachin Tuli
Assistant Director for Outreach
Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER)
UW-Madison School of Business
975 University Avenue, Suite 2266
Madison, WI  53706
Phone: 608-265-4938
Fax: 608-263-0477