An Orientation to Research: A Workshop for CLTA
To: CLTA Members
From: The Jiede Committee
As CLTA members seek to learn about the latest
innovations in Chinese language teaching and learning,
many may view the empirical research process as being exclusionary and intimidating.
The Jiede Committee, [representing the CLTA Jiede (all-attain) Empirical Research Grant established in
2003], proposes to demystify that process through a workshop entitled "An
Orientation to Research" at the next CLTA meeting in
The workshop will be conducted by Professor Michael
Everson, and is designed for individuals with little or no knowledge of the
research process. Professor Everson's
new compilation of a complete bibliography of empirical studies in
Topics will include:
· The Research Process: The How's and Why's of
Constructing Knowledge
· Qualitative and Quantitative Research Traditions:
How They Differ
· Terminology Frequently Encountered in Research
· How to Read a Research Study: A Step by Step Guide
· Examples of How Research Becomes Practice/Pedagogy
At the present time, we would like to get a sense of
how well this endeavor will be received by the CLTA membership. Therefore, if you are sure that you would
like to attend this workshop, please contact Professor Everson
( by April 10 to let him know. This will give the
members of the Jiede Committee the information they
need to organize this event.
The charge for the workshop is $50 per person to cover
organizational expenses.