9th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education
Brigham Young University

>>Submission deadline: 30 November 2004<<
Conference website: http://cito.byuh.edu/gccce2005

The 9th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE2005) will be held in Hawaii between June 6 and June 9, 2005. Since the first GCCCE in Guangzhou, the conference has developed into an important forum providing a critical opportunity for researchers and educators to discuss and exchange ideas over the application of computers in education. The focus of GCCCE2005 will be on exploring new learning opportunities via IT in this new era with the theme: Beyond Hardware and Software: The Effective Use of Technology in Instruction.

Submission Guidelines:

1. Submissions for GCCCE2005 are categorized into full papers, short papers, and posters. Full papers are restricted to a maximum of 8 pages, while short papers and posters are restricted to a maximum of 4 and 2 pages respectively.

2. The paper must include paper title, author name(s) and affiliation(s), a 120-word abstract, and no more than 5 keywords.


3. Authors of posters must include poster title, author name(s) and affiliation(s), and no more than 5 keywords. An abstract of no more than 120 words is optional.

4. Submissions should be in MS Word (.doc) or Rich Text Format (.rtf).

5. Standard A4 or Letter-sized paper should be used. All contents, including text, figures and tables, should be surrounded by 1-inch (2.54-cm) margins on all four sides.

6. A submission template for papers and posters in Microsoft Word format can be found in the GCCCE 2004 website (http://cito.byuh.edu/gccce2005/callforpapers/submissionguidelines.php) to assist authors in preparing their manuscripts. Authors should follow the template strictly.

7. Only electronic submission is accepted. Please go to the submission page of the GCCCE 2005 website (http://cito.byuh.edu/gccce2005/)to submit your paper.

Global Chinese Society of Computers in Education (http://www.gcsce.org/).

Important dates:
Submission proposal deadline ­ November 30, 2004
Acceptance notification ­ January 31, 2005
Issuing invitation letter for visa etc ­ February 16, 2005
Proceeding dead line ­ March 11, 2005
Conference ­ June 6 to June 9, 2005

For more information, please contact the GCCCE 2005 at the following address:
CITO, GCCCE2005 Secretariat,
55-220 Kulanui St.
BYUH #1963
Laie, HI 96762
Phone: 1­808­293­3847
Fax: 1­808­293­3789
Email: gccce@byuh.edu

Looking forward to your contributions!