The 2005 Conference of the
Chinese Language Teachers' Association of Greater
The theme of the conference will be "Teaching Chinese in Multiple-Perspective” and will focus on the following topics:
Method and Actualization: Teaching Chinese as a second
language and application strategies, including teaching pronunciation, grammar,
reading, and writing, and classroom methods.
The CLTA-GNY Conference Committee welcomes submissions of one page proposals on subjects relevant to the above themes. Papers can be either in Chinese or English. We will consider proposals for panels as well as individual papers and all proposals will be reviewed anonymously. Individual papers will be grouped into panels by themes. Panels will be 75 minutes long with four presenters. Please note that we will need separate abstracts for each paper on any panel proposal.
Please send your proposals to the below address(es) to be received by us by
Email submissions should be sent to:
Mailing address is:
Language Teachers Association of Greater
Please include the below "Attendee's Information
Form" with your proposal
Following the conference, we plan to produce a CD of the conference proceedings. Authors of accepted papers who wish to have their papers considered for inclusion in the proceedings should plan to supply us with a hard copy and a disk copy of their papers. The required format for these papers is: 1” margin on the four sides, 12 point font; English papers should use MS Word with Times New Roman font; Chinese papers should use MS Word with SimSun or PMingLiU font or NJSTAR.
For information about CLTA-GNY, please visit For details about the conference, including the conference registration form, please visit The conference registration fee is $20 (made out to CLTA-GNY).
We hope to see you in
隨著中國的國際影響力日益增強﹐並在政治﹑文化、經濟、科技和教育、軍事等世界事務中扮演著越來越重要的角色﹐為響應世界對中國文化關注的新熱潮,促進對外漢語教學更上層樓,大紐約地區中文教師學會決定在2005年5月7日在紐約市 Brooklyn College 召開題為「多方位的漢語教學」國際研討會。
這次會議將總結漢語教學的經驗,傳播先進理念,交流現代 教學手段﹐以提高海外漢語教學的總體水平。
1)語音教學 2) 語法教學 3) 閱讀教學 4) 寫作教學 5) 課堂活動設計
‧文化對策:如何面對海外對漢語的新需要/語”、“文”教學:漢語与文化/ 漢語文化語言學/ 漢語教學与文化傳播/
教材設計与建設/ 新課型的設計