Call for Papers

The Heritage Language Journal Special Issue on Chinese Heritage Language Teaching
Guest Editor: Hongyin Tao
Department of Asian Languages and Cultures
University of California, Los Angeles

About the Special Issue The special issue on Chinese heritage language (CHL) teaching seeks contributions covering all aspects of the teaching of Chinese as a heritage language. The contents should include, but not limited to:
- Overviews of the state of the art in CHL;
- Theories of language acquisition and their relevance to CHL;
- CHL pedagogy;
- Socio-cultural factors in CHL;
- Technology and CHL;
- General principles and case studies in CHL;
- Issues in CHL teacher training;
- CHL student needs, motivations, and feedback, and their role in improving CHL teaching;

Submission procedures
- Interested authors should send the guest editor an email  message before the end of November 30, 2004 outlining your paper proposal and the status of the research (e.g., a done paper? a paper in progress? a conference paper to be written up in publishable format? or simply some ideas to be explored?)
- The guest editor will contact you for more information about your proposal and may confirm the acceptance of the proposal;
- A preliminary draft in electronic format is expected to reach the guest editor by April 15,
2005; suggestions for revisions (if any) will be sent to the author thereafter;
- A final version, again in electronic format, should reach the guest editor by July 15, 2005.

About the Heritage Language Journal (HLJ)
HLJ is a referred journal published jointly by the Language Resource Center of UCLA and the UC Consortium for Language Learning and Teaching. It is housed on a server hosted by the UCLA International Institute at UCLA. With the goal of advancing the knowledge about educating heritage speakers, the journal will seek submissions from researchers and practitioners in
1. linguistics & applied linguistics
2. psychology
3. sociology
4. language education
5. language policy and
6. other related and relevant fields
For more information about the HLJ, visit the Web site: