University of Maryland


The School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at the University of Maryland, College Park, seeks to make a tenure-track appointment in Chinese at the Assistant or Associate Professor level.  The appointee will be actively involved in coordinating and planning an undergraduate Chinese language program. Ideally, the applicant should also have expertise in another academic specialization, such as descriptive or applied Chinese linguistics or the literature or culture of some major period or genre. He or she will be expected to teach undergraduate (and eventually, graduate) courses in Chinese language and related subjects, and Chinese language acquisition and teaching.

Minimum requirements: (a) For Assistant: Ph.D. in Chinese, SLA, applied linguistics, or comparable field; fluency in (Mandarin) Chinese and English; experience managing a Chinese program for U.S. undergraduates; scholarly publications; college teaching experience with positive teaching evaluations. (b) For Associate: As for Assistant, but with a minimum of five years college experience at the Assistant level, plus a record of scholarly publications and administrative experience appropriate for an Associate Professor.

Salary: Assistant: $50-55,000, Associate: $55-65,000, both depending on qualifications and experience.

Applications: Send a letter explaining how you meet the qualifications, a curriculum vitae, and contact information for three referees (all in hard copy, only), by 30 November, 2004, to Chair, Chinese Search Committee, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Jimenez Hall, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 USA.