Chinese Language Teachers Association

The Jiede Empirical Research Grant for Chinese Pedagogy/Chinese Applied Linguistics


Call for Proposals

The Chinese Language Teachers Association invites proposals for the Jiede (all-attain) Empirical Research Grant, established in 2003 by an anonymous donor, and enhanced thereafter by the original donor and other donors. The grant will support empirical research in Chinese pedagogy and applied linguistics that contributes to building a sound understanding of the teaching and learning Chinese as a Foreign Language (CFL). The recipient will be expected to present a paper at the annual meeting of the CLTA or to submit a progress report at the end of the grant term.

Awards: The Jiede Research Grant awards up to $1,500 to a current CLTA member whose research project exhibits innovation and long-term pedagogical benefit to the field of CFL, but EXCLUDES pure grammatical structural research design. The grant winner must present high quality research that will improve pedagogy in CFL or Chinese applied linguistics. Grant funds may be used for fieldwork, data analysis, or travel, but not for equipment purchases.


 CLTA members who are teaching or conducting empirical research on Chinese (except for tenured college/university professors), including graduate students in a registered M.A. or Ph.D. program, are eligible to apply.  Applicants should have no other grant support for the project for which they are applying.

Application:  Submit electronically a three to five-page proposal including a clear description of the research project, stating the theoretical background, the objectives, research design and methods, timeline, and budget of the project (itemized in detail). Please do NOT identify yourself in the proposal. Send with the proposal in a separate attachment a brief (maximum one-page) curriculum vitae, indicating your current status, institutional affiliation (if any), educational background and contact information. Identifying information will be removed prior to forwarding to the committee for anonymous review.


Address: To:  yfchen@UWM.EDU

Subject: Jiede Application 

Deadline: Proposals must be received by March 31, 2010 at CLTA Headquarters. 

Notification: Applicants will be notified of results by April 30, 2010.





2009: Wu Shu-Ling (University of Hawai’i at Manoa)

Research project: Learning to express motion events in L2 Chinese.


2009: Yang Chunsheng (The Ohio State University)

Research project: The Acquisition of Mandarin prosody by American CFL learners.


2008: Chang Pu (University of Texas at San Antonio)

Research project: Chinese American Children's Bilingual and Biliteracy Practice and Development in Heritage Language and Public Schools.

2008: Dongbo Zhang (Carnegie Mellon University)

Research project: Teacher Questioning in Chinese-as-a-Foreign-Language Classrooms: A Sociocultural Approach".


2007: Sun-A Kim (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Research project: Developmental Stages in Reading Chinese Characters as a Second Language.


2006: Chan Lu (Carnegie Mellon University)

Research project: The Properties of Textbook Characters and its Influence on Character Learning for Learners of Chinese as a Foreign Language.


2005: Miao-fen Tseng (The University of Virginia)

Research Project: The Attrition of Production and Reception Skills in Mandarin Chinese.


2004: Meng Yeh (Rice University)

Reseach Project: Exploring Chinatown: Integrated Language, Culture and Community.


2003: Helen Shen (The University of Iowa)

Research Project: Linguistic Complexity and Reading Comprehension among CFL Beginner Learners.